Dr Karan Shetty



Rhinoplasty Enhancing Form and Function

Rhinoplasty,also known as “nose job,” or “ nose surgery” is a surgical procedure performed for both cosmetic and medical issues of the nose. This surgical treatment is designed to not only enhance the appearance of your nose but also improve medical issues like breathing discomfort or obstruction in breathing, offering a dual benefit that can significantly impact your quality of life and self- esteem.

Understanding Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty also known as “nose job” surgery is a specialized form of plastic surgery that changes the shape of your nose.It not only changes the shape of your nose but also improves breathing or even the structural anatomy of the nose.Rhinoplasty is not only a cosmetic procedure but also helps to maintain nasal function, and aims at altering the bone and cartilage to give your nose a good shape and enhance the appearance. The surgery may include multiple techniques like adding or removing cartilage, reducing bone or contour of the nostrils  and reshaping the size. 

The aim is to enhance the appearance or to rectify and reduce the issues that may cause breathing problems.Rhinoplasty is a relatively complex surgery but these can be minimized by choosing the right board certified plastic surgeon to achieve good results. Some people opt for rhinoplasty for functional, aesthetic concerns or structural issues such as septoplasty which can majorly affect one’s ability to breathe normally. As listed reasons, Rhinoplasty usually serves and brings harmony to an individual’s facial features. 

At Tara Healthcare, Bangalore’s Dedicated Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery Centre, Dr Karan Shetty and his team will evaluate your nose both cosmetically and functionally. He will explain the procedure in detail and also help you visualize your nose post surgery with our 3D Imaging tool called Crisalix, and help you set realistic goals.

Am I The Right Candidate For Rhinoplasty?

  •  Individuals who are self-conscious and unhappy with their existing nose or current nose.
  •  Individuals who want to create natural-look  and balance facial features.
  •  Individuals who want to treat a broken nose, result of trauma and treat a birth defect.
  • Individuals who are looking to correct problems that affect breathing function(septoplasty for deviated septum)
  • Individuals who are looking for Improving the appearance of the nose.
  • Individuals who have deformity which needs correcting.

The Procedure of Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty by Dr Karan Shetty at Tara Healthcare is done under General Anesthesia; which includes medications which are administered for your comfort during the procedure. The incision is made to assess the tissues, bones and cartilage. The incision on the inside of your nostrils which is (closed Rhinoplasty) and also incision through the base of your nose or come across the columella, the tissue that separates the nostrils that is (open Rhinoplasty). 

Through these incisions, the skin that covers the nasal bones and cartilage is gently raised, which helps to access to reshape the structure of the nose. Reshaping the nose structure involves a large nose to be reduced by removing bone or cartilage, the partition of the nose is used for this purpose of correcting a deviated septum;It is a process to straighten and projections inside the nose reduced to improve breathing. Closing the incision involves making incisions inside the nostrils. 

The final step is to be patient for the results and for few days,gauze packing will be done to help the nose to heal. The new shape and structure of the nose is supported by splint till the nose heals.At Tara healthcare, Our Board Certified Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon, Dr. Karan Shetty will assess your nose and will take the decision to remove or add tissues in order to achieve the desired surgical results. Dr Karan Shetty will help you visualize your nose by using an advanced 3D technology called Crisalix. The cost of the surgery will be discussed during your consultation prior to the surgery.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Functional Rhinoplasty: Functional Rhinoplasty can boost your self-confidence and help you achieve a perfect nose. It also helps you breathe more comfortably. Candidates who have trouble with their breathing.Also, damage caused by fractures or injuries(old fractures or existing fractures) and want to reshape the nose, can opt for functional rhinoplasty.Candidates who face septal spurs can undergo the surgery. Moreover, these candidates must be evaluated properly and mandatory tests like CT scan must be done prior the surgery to check if they are eligible for the surgery.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: The candidates who have minor problems or have no biological abnormalities can opt for cosmetic rhinoplasty. Candidates who struggle with increasing or reducing the height of the nose, candidates who are looking to reduce nostril size,make tips sharper or round, candidates who are expecting to correct narrow or hanging tips of the nose enhance their appearance of the nose are ideal for the surgery and also who want to enhance or improve the overall appearance of their nose. 

Secondary Rhinoplasty: Secondary Rhinoplasty also popularly known as revision rhinoplasty is a look-for- after surgery procedure for individuals seeking correction, who are dissatisfied, not happy with the results, who are looking for enhancement after a previous nose surgery and candidates facing functional issues can opt for secondary rhinoplasty .These are the complicated cases that need to be prioritized. It is important to choose a well trained Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to perform the surgery to get the best possible results. 

Alarplasty Surgery: Alarplasty surgery also commonly known as Nostril reduction surgery, is an aesthetic  and cosmetic procedure which helps and changes the shape of the nostril. It is a minor cosmetic surgery that enhances the appearance of the nostrils. It is a part of your nose that connects your nostrils to your face. Alarplasty changes and carves the shape of the nose.Candidates who are looking to improve the appearance of their nose and who want to alter the nostrils or minor issues can opt for alarplasty surgery. It is recommended  to choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with good years of experience to perform the surgical procedure to achieve best results.

Septoplasty Surgery: Septoplasty surgery is a type of nose surgery to fix crooked, bent instead of straight or deviated septum, which straightens the wall of bone and cartilage which divides the space between the two nostrils. It can block one or both nostrils and can cause difficulty in breathing.It is a minor and low risk surgery that offers massive benefits for people. Candidates who face difficulty breathing can opt for this surgery as it helps and improves breathing.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty is the technique to enhance or improve the appearance of the nose by  injecting fillers. The fillers add volume to the nose and it can alter a large nose make it look slimmer and perfect. The results of this treatment are durable and last up to several months or a year. 

We at Tara Healthcare only use US FDA Approved Dermal Fillers. For the best recovery results, Dr Karan Shetty and his team will recommend patients to avoid strenuous physical activities and excessive blowing of the nose and help you achieve desired results which is followed by prescribed medications

The outcome of the results of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty can be completely subtle, natural and invisible.There might be some mild swelling or redness on the nose for a week, but once that disappears. 

The results will be highly satisfactional and can expect immediate results. The candidate must have realistic expectations of the procedure. Dr.Karan Shetty and his team will guide you with the post procedure instructions

What to expect from Rhinoplasty with Dr Karan Shetty?

Rhinoplasty surgeries are highly personalized, based on your needs and the treatment plan discussed during your consultation with  our Board certified Plastic Surgeon Dr Karan Shetty. At Tara Healthcare, Bangalore’s Leading Centre for Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics Dr Karan Shetty will help you visualize the nose by using Crisalix 3D Simulator, which  is an advanced technology that helps you to visualize your nose after post surgery. Dr. Karan Shetty and his team will ensure they give you the best results and help you set your realistic goals.

The surgery involves reshaping the nasal bones, modifying cartilage, or adjusting the soft tissue. Techniques vary depending on the issue. After Rhinoplasty Surgery, the patient can expect some possible risks such as bruising and swelling around the nose.This approximately vanishes within a week to 10 days. The candidate may also experience some hurt and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication prescribed by Dr. Karan Shetty and his team. 

The nose will be completely packed with gauze for a week after rhinoplasty surgery and to maintain its new shape ,you will be instructed to keep your head uplifted and avoid bending over for the first few days.

It is common to have some difficulty breathing through the nose for few weeks following surgery, but this should improve as the swelling goes down. The candidate will have follow-up appointments with Dr. Karan Shetty and his team to scan or keep a track of the healing process and address any concerns. It can take several or 6 months for the final shape of the nose (Patience is the key) to be visible, as swelling can take a while to fully subside. It is important to follow Dr. Karan Shetty and his team’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and the best possible outcome.

Recovery and Results

Recovery from rhinoplasty involves a period of rest and limited activity to allow for proper healing. Swelling and bruising are common but gradually subside. The final results will unveil a nose that not only looks naturally suited to your face but also improves your breathing function, if that was part of your goal.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s)

How do I discuss with Dr Karan Shetty the results I am looking for?

Your first step is to book a consultation at Tara healthcare.Dr Karan Shetty our board certified plastic surgeon will have to review your nose and understand your expectations from the nose surgery.Understanding the procedure and having realistic expectations is key for you as a patient during the consultation.

Is Rhinoplasty cosmetic or functional?

Rhinoplasty can be both cosmetic and functional depending on different elements involved in the surgery.Nose surgery may involve altering the shape and size of the nostrils,bridge,nasal tip and other structures.Rhinoplasty or popularly called as nose surgery is not only used in cosmetic surgery designed to impact the design of the nose but also medical procedures to improve the function of the nose.

Is Rhinoplasty right for you?

Nose surgery is a life changing procedure and ranks among the top plastic surgery procedures performed every year.It Is important to choose a Board certified Plastic Surgeon who is well experienced and also has a lot of before/afters of the surgery.

How much time does it take to recover post Rhinoplasty?

Patients are able to return to work after two weeks post surgery.However pain and recovery is completely subjective and differs from person to person.Pain tolerance is also subjective and would differ.Most of the changes in your nose will happen 2-12 weeks post surgery.Patience is key in rhinoplasty and the results get better with time.

What is the cost for Rhinoplasty ?

Cost of Rhinoplasty or Cost of Nose Surgery in Bangalore depends on various factors like the experience of the Plastic Surgeon,extent of the surgery,Infrastructure of the hospital,Good Anaesthetist and Hospital stay .These factors help determine the cost of Rhinoplasty at Tara Healthcare,Bangalore’s Best Plastic Surgery & Cosmetology Center.

Transformations of our patients

About Tara Healthcare

Tara Healthcare Clinic is a premier destination for those seeking expert and personalized cosmetic and reconstructive treatments. Under the leadership of Dr. Karan Shetty, the clinic emphasizes natural beauty enhancements in a welcoming and confidential environment. Here, treatments are customized to match your goals, ensuring outcomes that are both beautiful and true to your identity. Tara Healthcare Clinic stands for excellence in care, offering a journey towards confidence and self-enhancement with the utmost respect for privacy and individuality.

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